Fairway Composite Railing

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Fairway Composite Railing

Fairway Composite Railing

The following photos show the Fairway Composite Railings in the Post to Post configuration (railing cap butts up to 5″ posts) on decks with GeoDeck mahogany tongue and groove decking (no nails show) with GeoDeck cedar trim.

Get creative with ways to mix and match the decking and the railings. Want a cool looking pattern in the floor? We will help you design it. Want to mix GeoDeck colors? Do it.

The Fairway Vinyl Railing components are interchangeable with the Fairway Composite Railings so you can achieve the look you want and the price you can afford.


The Fairway Composite Railings below also illustrate the stair railings (available in 8′ sections) which only come with the contour top rail as shown for a more easily grasped surface.

Contour White Composite

The beautiful white Fairway Composite Railing below illustrates the contour rail cap in level rail and down the stairs.

Need privacy? Notice the Fairway Vinyl Fence around the back.

The GeoDeck “mahogany” t&g decking (no visible fasteners) with the GeoDeck “cedar”trim (actually called “picture framing”) makes for a beautiful backdrop for the white Fairway Composite Railing. Striking contrast.

With a deck like this your only maintenance problem will be keeping your neighbors from drooling on your deck.

Contour Composite Railing

Made solid to look and feel like high quality painted wooden railing, the Fairway Composite Railing below shows us the khaki color as well as the 4 1/2″ top cap done in Post to Post.

If you look closely, you can make out the so called “fluted” effect on the square balusters. This is, the manufacturer does something really cool to their vertical pickets: They cut off the corners a wee bit to give it an architectural look. Same thing on the bottom 2×4 but a bit fancier routered look.

Have you also noticed that you see no fasteners with Fairway Railings? Not like other railings.

Lifetime Warranty, too. Many others are only 10 year warranty. Why would that be? Hmmm.

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